Announcement of Professorship for SAIC Volkswagen Automotive Endowed Chair at CDHK, Tongji University, Shanghai

The Sino-German Graduate College (CDHK) at Tongji University in Shanghai is seeking for suitable candidates for a professorship that is funded by the Chinese-German joint venture SAIC Volkswagen Co., Ltd. and therefore offers attractive conditions for research and education, starting from 1st August. 

Research field

Research focus shall be in the field of Human-Machine Interaction.


•Profound theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of Human-Machine Interaction;
•Broad network within the research community, relevant official institutions and potential users;
•Fluent in Chinese and English, preferably also German;
•Independent, proactive and results-oriented way of working;
•Team player and networker;

Tasks and requirements of a CDHK Professorship are listed in the attachment.

SAIC Volkswagen Co., Ltd. has cooperated with Tongji University / CDHK for over twenty years and would like to continue this success story. We believe that the intellectual and cultural exchange is of benefit for both parties and we are looking forward to your application!

Please send your application materials in English and Chinese (including your resume, copies of academic degree certificates, an overview of your (research) projects and publications, motivation letter,etc.)  before 20th of August to the CDHK Secretariat: 

Ms. YANG Ruifan:

Your motivation letter should show why you are suitable for the position and what ideas you have for the future cooperation.

Tasks and Requirements of CDHK Professorship -20220725.pdf